Long Time, No Write

A quick update and a healthy recipe bonus

Tiffany Langston
Tiffany Tastes


It’s been over four months since my last entry. I cannot believe I let that much time go by, but I’ve been living life, enjoying New York City and all it has to offer. I’ve been enjoying it a little too much, actually. It’s really amazing how a couple of months of not watching what you eat and not staying on top of your exercise routine can send the scale in the wrong direction. Now that my birthday is over and I’m done vacationing, it’s time to get back on track. And I’m actually looking forward to documenting my progress here. Don’t worry, I’ve got some Ramen Wars and Brunch Chronicles posts in the hopper, so you’ll still get to read some of your favorite Tiffany Tastes entries.

One of the things that has been really important to me is to have healthy snack options. I like to eat small meals throughout the day.

For this week, I made a batch of Whitney Miller’s Dark Chocolate Granola. It’s super easy, quick, stores well and is a great pick-me-up for that mid-afternoon slump. The only changes I made was dried cherries instead of cranberries (because that’s what I had in the pantry), and I toasted the pistachios before I added them to the mix. It’s a fantastic, healthy snack. Let me know if you try it!

Chocolate Cherry Granola

I’ll be using 21 Day Fix containers for portion control, and for workouts, I’ll be doing a hybrid of Les Mills Combat, Les Mills Pump and running.

I’ll keep you posted on my progress, and I promise it won’t be 4 months until my next post.

Eat Well!

Originally published at www.tiffanytastes.com on August 2, 2015.



strategic communicator, food lover, writer, poker player, figure skating enthusiast & film connoisseur. *I'm your Huckleberry.*